At Vanadevi we offer various programmes

We live in a very competitive world. Our way of being is as such that by default slowly we loose contact with our inner self or Atman. Demands of daily life leaves no or very little time to rest, reflect,pray and meditate. Living a life which is based on material richness can be interesting but in long run it sucks the all the vital life force out of you and leaves you weak, dissatisfied and deeply unhappy. In some cases people are aware of things and their inner self therefore they make sure that they go to their source Mother Nature to recharge and reinvent themselves.

Vanadevi Care

A 7 day programme which includes rest,meditation,nature walks,reading listening and chanting of mantras and Bhajans.

This programme is carefully created for the people who work with their brain or never stop thinking or worrying. They wish that their brain would stop but it goes on all the time thinking or worrying. There is not a single moment in a day when they have no thought or worry.

  • Duration : 7 Days
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Vanadevi Personal Retreat

Each one of us is unique and we may have different needs to relax, reconnect or rejuvenate. Therefore, this retreat will be built according to your needs. You can choose the number of days you want to stay and the programme you want to follow.

  • Duration : 5 days onwards
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Vanadevi Yoga Retreat

A seven- or ten-days programme combining the getaway at Vanadevi with physical and spiritual wellbeing benefits of Yogic practices does wonders.

Vanadevi is arguably one of the most suitable places to immerse deeply in Yoga and Meditation. Our teachers have evolved simple methods to understand yoga postures

  • Duration : 7-10 Days
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Vanadevi Silent and Digital Detox Retreat

Silence is more than just not speaking. Silent retreat at Vanadevi has its added advantage of the place. Situated at the riverbank and surrounded by forest, participants are constantly hearing sound of nature which ultimately connect them to their inner voice.

Absence of any mechanical or industrial noise and separation from television and cell phone screen is a lifechanging experience for many people. Combine it with meditation and other activities of the retreat it is nothing less than being reborn.

  • Duration : 7 Days
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